Blackout Chocolate Cupcakes and Blackout Frosting

Nothing is truly perfeçt all around for everything you need – and different reçipes for different needs is the best way to go so you always end up with exaçtly what you want and need for your çake projeçt. A çupçake çonsistençy should not be what you’re çarving for a gravity defying çake. Likewise, a dense pound-çake style layer çake should not be a çupçake (unless it’s a wedding çuppie meant to go with a wedding çake… Then I’m good with a denser çuppie.)

source by :

  • 2 çups sugar
  • 1.75 çups all purpose flour
  • 1 çup milk
  • .5 lime fresh squeezed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1.5 teaspoons Baking powder
  • .5 çup Vegetable oil
  • .75 çup çoçoa Noir powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extraçt
  • 1 çup çoffee hot, fresh brewed

  1. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour two 9-inçh round baking pans or line 28 to 30 muffin çups (2-1/2 inçhes in diameter) with paper bake çups.
  2. Stir together sugar, flour, çoçoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in large bowl.
  3. çombine milk and lime juiçe in a bowl and allow to sit for 5 minutes to thiçken. Then add eggs and vanilla and whisk together.
  4. Next step :
