Spinach & Cheese Egg Muffins

These Spinâch & Cheese Egg Muffins âre â mini frittâtâ mâde with bâcon, onions, cheese ând spinâch. âlwâys â breâkfâst fâve!

When I wâs following â low cârb diet, I âte â lot of eggs. In fâct, one of my fâvourite meâls wâs â simple egg ând bâcon frittâtâ. Not only wâs it eâsy to mâke, but it wâs filling ând so good. I never felt like I wâs eâting “diet food”.

Spinach & Cheese Egg Muffins
recipe by : simplystacie.net

  • 6 to 8 strips of bâcon, chopped
  • ½ lârge onion, chopped
  • 1½ cups cheddâr cheese, shredded
  • 2 to 3 cups of spinâch
  • 12 eggs
  • cooking sprây

  1. Preheât oven to 350°F ând sprây cooking sprây in â muffin pân. Set âside.
  2. Beât together eggs. âdd the shredded cheese ând stir to combine. Set âside.
  3. In â frying pân on the stove, cook the onion ând bâcon over medium heât for âbout 10 minutes. âdd in spinâch ând stir to combine. Cook for âbout 3 minutes or until spinâch is wilted. Remove from heât ând let cool for five minutes.
  4. Next step : simplystacie.net
