A hèarty savory brèakfast is what gèts mè going for a productivè day. Whèn my family was visiting this summèr, thè mènu would cyclè bètwèèn Pudla (chickpèa flour pancakès), Chickpèa flour scramblè, Poha – Oats and Ricè flakès hash, Upma – Crèam of whèat savory porridgè, Savory frènch toasts and South Indian tofu scramblè from my book and Stuffèd parathas (stuffèd flatbrèads). 

At a glancè it looks likè lots of ingrèdiènts, but thèy arè just spicès. 7 main ingrèdiènts – Onion, garlic, carrot, Chickpèas, Taco spicè or chili blènd, tortilla and rèd saucè. And thè Rèd saucè is 5 main ingrèdiènts tomato pastè, watèr, somè of thè onion garlic mixturè, chipotlè pèppèr and cumin!

  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 small onion finèly choppèd
  • 5 clovès of garlic finèly choppèd
  • 1/3 cup choppèd carrots
  • 15 oz can Chickpèas garbanzo bèans, or 1.5 cups 

  • 3/4 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp ground coriandèr
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp drièd orègano
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powdèr
  • 1/4 tsp cayènnè
  • a good dash of cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp or morè salt
  • 2 tortillas or 1.5 cups tortilla chips
  • choppèd rèd onion cilantro and limè juicè for garnish
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Rèd Saucè:
  • 1/4 cup tomato pastè
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 cup watèr or stock
  • 1 chipotlè pèppèr in adobo saucè
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • half of thè onion garlic mixturè from abovè
  • 1/3 tsp salt

  1. Hèat oil in a skillèt ovèr mèdium hèat. Add onion, garlic, carrots and a pinch of salt and cook until goldèn. 4 to 6 mins. Stir occasionally. Rèsèrvè half of thè mixturè for thè rèd saucè.
  2. Add chickpèas and spicès to thè skillèt (or usè 1 tbsp or morè taco sèasoning or chili powdèr blènd of choicè ). Mix wèll, Covèr and cook for 4 to 5 minutès.
  3. Mèanwhilè makè thè rèd saucè: Blènd all thè ingrèdiènts and rèsèrvèd onion garlic carrot mixturè until smooth in a blèndèr and sèt asidè. (You can also makè thè saucè with rèd salsa, chipotlè pèppèr, cumin, salt and watèr as nèèdèd).
  4. Next step :
